BG Learning

One Second (Mostly) Every day 2018

My mind doesn’t hold memories that well. If someone tells me about an event, a shared experience from the past, I nod gingerly but I usually only have a vague recollection.

That is scary. What if all I remember of life is few bits and pieces. Memories scattered like stars in the sky that when you try to zoom in on, you find they are separated by seemingly absolute desolation. An impenetrable emptiness. And the stars are fuzzy too!

So when I stumbled upon Cesar Kuriyama’s TED talk on recording one second every day, I was instantly fascinated.

The idea is to record just one second of a day that can later act as a cue to jog our memories. You look back and go: “Oh, right, that day!”. Why only one second? Well, you could record longer but that might take away from actually living the moment. You might end up with a record of memories you didn’t actually live while you were busy recording.

I loved the idea so much that I recorded my first second right then and there. Thankfully, the habit stuck. I do miss some days now and then but I mostly keep to it.

It means I have a way to look back at 2018 in more color and detail. I am able to recollect a bit more. The stars are still far apart but I can see some stardust between, that are beautiful in their own way. It’s not all stretches of vast emptiness.

Thoughts and Notes

Anyway, this mashup is only of value, only means something to me. But I hope it encourages others to try as well. It is worth the (minor) effort.

Happy new year! May your year be imbued with mundane wonderfulness!

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